
“See You In 10 Years”- Breast Augmentation Post Op

“See You In 10 Years”- Breast Augmentation Post Op

23 Mar 2017 “See You In 10 Years”- Breast Augmentation Post Op

Most times, after a woman has a breast augmentation, they are thrilled. They have had a good experience, feel great about themselves and go on with their lives. However, women need to rethink one thing – it is imperative that changes in the look, feel or quality of the breast implant be reported to your physician sooner rather than later. There are a few very good reasons why a visit is necessary.

Breast Augmentation – Be Safe And Be Sure

You may be utterly ecstatic with your breast implants at the 10-year point, and that is fantastic. But the fact remains that breast implants are not designed to last a lifetime. Over time, it is possible to experience a leak or a rupture, and you may not even be aware of it. This, too, is reason enough to see your surgeon at ten years post-op (if not before). It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Breast Augmentation Checkin – Why ten years?

Many things can occur in that length of time. General wear and tear happens, it’s a fact, and the ten-year mark is a good time to have your surgeon look things over and see that the breast implants are solid and in good shape. If aging has caused some changes, the surgeon can discuss remedies. It also could be possible that you are feeling differently about the choices you made ten years ago, this concern can also be addressed.

Breast Augmentation Advancements

Indeed and without question, the plastic surgery industry changes a lot over a 10-year period. Without a doubt, there will have been advancements since your surgery ten years prior. It would indeed be beneficial to explore them, as one could be a better fit for you. Of course, if you are pleased with your implants and have not experienced issues with them, and then, of course, you are not under any obligation to do a thing more. However, a breast check up is just a smart thing to do without fail.

Breast Augmentation Consultation with Dr. Keith Neaman

Choosing a board certified plastic surgeon is essential for any breast revision or updating in regards to your breast augmentation. Dr. Neaman can assess you and any concerns you may have with a simple consultation. Give our office a call at (844)-338-5445, and we will make sure the integrity of your breast implants are still intact.