
3 Cosmetic Treatments that Pair Perfectly with Liposuction

3 Cosmetic Treatments that Pair Perfectly with Liposuction

25 Sep 2018 3 Cosmetic Treatments that Pair Perfectly with Liposuction

One of the significant benefits of plastic surgery is that procedures are customized to fit your needs. At Neaman Plastic Surgery, Salem plastic surgeons Drs. Keith Neaman and Dustin Christiansen work with you to devise a custom-tailored treatment plan. Many times, pairing one procedure with another can prove to be not only cost-effective but also aesthetically beneficial. Liposuction is a popular procedure that’s often used to complement other treatments to achieve optimum results. Here are a few treatments that pair perfectly with liposuction that you may want to consider.

1. Tummy Tuck

Individually, each procedure yields fantastic results, but together, they achieve results on another whole level. A tummy tuck tightens and tones the abdominal area by removing excess skin and loose muscle tissue. It’s a popular procedure for women who have recently underwent pregnancy. While a tummy tuck does contour the abdomen, it can only do so much. That’s where liposuction comes in. A tummy tuck is unable to address the stubborn fat deposits that develop in the tummy and waist region. These fatty pockets can be effectively treated with liposuction. By combining liposuction and a tummy tuck, you’re able to treat excess skin and fat for a sleek, streamlined physique.

2. Arm Lift

With age and significant weight loss, your arms can develop loose skin that hangs slightly downward. An arm lift, also referred to as brachioplasty, removes this extra skin to help achieve a more toned appearance while enhancing the underlying muscle contour of the arm. In many cases, liposuction is used during an arm lift to simultaneously address the stubborn fat that can appear on your arm.

3. Breast Reduction

While many women desire larger breasts, some women opt to go down in size to help alleviate back, neck and shoulder pain. This procedure is often coupled with liposuction to remove excess fat and tissue. Depending on the elasticity and condition of your breast skin, liposuction may be all that you require to reduce the size of your breasts. Dr. Neaman or Dr. Christiansen will discuss all your options with you. Regardless if liposuction is used solo or paired with skin excision, it can produce results that look natural and have you feeling great.

Put the Finishing Touches on Your Curves with Liposuction at Neaman Plastic Surgery

If you have trouble spots that you want to treat, consider pairing liposuction with another effective plastic surgery. When paired correctly, liposuction can help to fine-tune your results giving you the contoured figure you desire. Contact Neaman Plastic Surgery at (844) 338-5445 to schedule a consultation and start creating your personalized treatment plan.