
BOTOX vs Dysport: Which Is Better?

BOTOX vs Dysport: Which Is Better?

02 Dec 2015 BOTOX vs Dysport: Which Is Better?

These are different botulinum toxins made by different companies that do similar things to the muscles they are treating. Dysport may be newer in the U.S. (on the market since only April, 2009), but it has been battling Botox head to head in Europe and elsewhere for several years already. Both are the same product botulinum toxin A, a derived protein that works by relaxing targeted muscles. The differences we have seen and that are reported in the literature include onset times, dosing, and price point.

Dysport may begin to work a bit faster than Botox (because the protein is smaller), by as much as one to two days earlier, which may be an advantage if you have a big party a couple days later and need a really quick fix; otherwise, this isn’t of much practical importance. Botox and Dysport may last about the same time, although there are some who claim that Dysport lasts a bit longer, but not significantly much longer.

Dosing is different than Botox, but this is a technical consideration for the doctor to know and is not really relevant to the patient. Be sure you see someone who is trained in injecting and knows the differences in using these products as they are diluted and dosed differently.

In some instances, Dysport may be less expensive and in some hands better than Botox. But in other instances, Botox will be better and on occasion, a better price.

The end result is the similar from the patient standpoint. It is great to have another option and we are always looking for something better for our patients. Contact us to learn more about Botox and Dysport, see before and after photos, Dermal Fillers, and our Medical Day Spa in Salem, Oregon.