
Arm Lift

3 Cosmetic Treatments that Pair Perfectly with Liposuction

One of the significant benefits of plastic surgery is that procedures are customized to fit your needs. At Neaman Plastic Surgery, Salem plastic surgeons Drs. Keith Neaman and Dustin Christiansen work with you to devise a custom-tailored treatment plan. Many times, pairing one procedure with another can prove to be not only cost-effective but also...

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Loose Skin…What Are My Options?

You’ve lost all that weight, and now you need a body lift? Life isn’t fair, is it? But we need to face the fact that that stretched out, saggy skin that you see in the mirror isn’t going anywhere. Not unless you make that final decision to get rid of it once and for all....

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Don’t Love It? Then Lose It! Losing Loose Skin after Weight Loss

Maybe you’ve finally found success with weight loss, maybe you just had a baby. After having gone through either of these scenarios, loose skin can be a significant problem. No amount of diet or exercise can change a serious amount of stretched skin. The only effective way to rid yourself large amounts of loose skin...

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Body Contouring Options

Over the course of time, the body changes as a result of aging, weight fluctuations and pregnancy. These changes can leave many individuals feeling less that satisfied with their body image. Even strict dieting and exercise routines do not always help certain troublesome areas back to the toned, firm appearance of days gone by. Body...

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A brachioplasty was first described in 1930 as a way to remove excessive arm skin in obese women. Since that time a brachioplasty (arm lift) has become a well-established procedure for the contouring of the upper arm. In 2010 15,183 brachioplasties were performed, 4392 more than were performed in 2000. In a study performed by...

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