
Body Lift

Differences Between Body Lifts & Tummy Tucks

After a dramatic weight loss or simply because of the natural aging process, it’s not uncommon to have excess skin that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise. Because skin loses elasticity over time, even after losing weight, there may be areas where the skin doesn’t retract back to its anatomical position. There are several types...

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Is a Body Lift for Me?

Also known as a circumferential tummy tuck, a body lift is like a tummy tuck that goes all the way around the body. This life-changing procedure is a specialty at Neaman Plastic Surgery, where the best in patient care is guaranteed. Good candidates for a body lift are people who are obese, or have been...

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A Mommy Makeover for Mother’s Day

You’re absolutely head over heels for your baby (even if they’re far from a baby now), but maybe not as much for your post-baby body. Neaman Plastic Surgery offers customized “mommy makeovers,” which combine different surgeries with the ultimate goal of helping women get back their pre-baby bodies. It’s the perfect Mother’s Day treat, because...

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How Long Should I Wait after Losing Weight to Have a Body Lift?

If you have spent months, possibly years, trying to achieve your weight loss goals and have been successful in doing so, you may be finding yourself with some excess loose skin that is hiding your accomplishment. Fortunately, a body lift from Neaman Plastic Surgery can remove the excess folds of skin to help you put...

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Cosmetic Treatments and Men: A Growing Trend

Until recently, women made up the majority of patients seeking out surgical and skin care enhancement; however, men are starting to take interest and look into enhancing their own appearance with surgical and medispa treatments. At Neaman Plastic Surgery and MediSpa, we offer a variety of surgical and aesthetic skin care treatments for men, so...

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Body Lift: More than a Tummy Tuck

Neaman Plastic Surgery is committed to making sure all patients are as informed as possible about different procedures. Body lift and tummy tuck are probably two of the most misunderstood operations simply because they are somewhat similar, but definitely, have stark differences. Primarily, a body lift is more inclusive than a tummy tuck, and the...

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Get Your Body Summer Ready

Spring is here, and you know what that means? Pool parties, beach vacations and the need to fit into that teeny tiny bikini are just around the corner. As the temperatures rise, the layers of clothing begin to shed. We all want to look our best for the summer fun ahead, but our bodies may...

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Surgical and Non-Surgical Options for Body Contouring

Body contouring is the art of creating a more aesthetically pleasing body and correctly proportioning the figure by the patient’s needs and goals. Cosmetic surgeons routinely perform liposuction and liposculpture procedures to smooth and shape areas throughout the body, including the neck and chin, waist and abdomen, legs and arms, hips and butts. During the...

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Surgical Options After Serious Weightloss

If you have just succeeded in losing a massive amount of weight, you are more than likely considering, minimally, a tummy tuck or liposuction to the maximum of having a full body lift. Many people who have lost 100 pounds or more are overjoyed at their success. After losing a lot of weight, though, you...

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Correct Loose Skin with Body Contouring Surgery

Yes, you’ve worked hard to lose the weight, however, if you want the whole package, it may be time for a body lift, mommy makeover, or tummy tuck. Sometimes let’s face it- life just isn’t fair. And, more times than not, women find that after successfully losing the weight, well, let’s just say, things don’t...

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