
Breast Augmentation

Choosing the Right Size for Breast Implants

Getting breast implants can help you to feel better about your self-image, especially if they have been impacted by surgery or cancer. However, you should never go overboard: instead, you need to focus on finding the perfect breast implant size for your body. If you’re worried about making them too big, then we have some...

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Breast Augmentation for New Mothers

Becoming a mom brings about so many wonderful changes. In addition to finally meeting your baby, giving birth means that once cleared, you can start working towards your pre-baby figure. And while a lot of new mommies get back into shape without a problem, there are many who have permanent physical changes from pregnancy. One...

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What to Know When Preparing for a Breast Augmentation

When you are preparing for a breast augmentation procedure, you may have a lot of questions. One of your top concerns is likely to be about the incision placement. Here are the four methods that the surgeon will choose from for making your incisions and the pros and cons of each method. Axillary The axillary...

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How A Breast Augmentation Changes Your Body

The decision as to whether to get a breast augmentation is a significant one. You need to know all the facts before making a decision. There are ways in which your body will change if you have this procedure and this article breaks down how a breast augmentation changes your body. There is always a...

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Choosing the Right Breast Implant for Your Augmentation Surgery

When considering breast augmentation surgery, there are several factors which you should take into account when choosing the right type of breast implant. There are materials, texture, size, shape, and projection. Materials The material options available to you include: Saline Breast Implants – These are implants filled with sterling saline.  Structured Saline Breast Implant...

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5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Wait To Undergo Breast Augmentation

The purpose of breast augmentation is to increase breast size, shape, contour, and volume. Even if this is something you have been considering for a while, you may still be on the fence about actually taking any further steps. However, it’s often better for you on a personal level if you don’t wait to undergo...

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Does Breast Augmentation Leave Visible Scars?

Breast augmentation surgery can do wonders for a woman’s self confidence. However, as with any other surgical procedure, there are a number of issues that you’ll need to consider to help you decide whether breast augmentation is right for you. For many women, some of the most important questions concerns scarring—specifically, how extensive the  scarring...

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Breast Augmentation Versus Breast Lift

Many cosmetic procedures are used to enhance the breast tissue. Two of the most common procedures include a Breast Augmentation and a Breast Lift. Here we will detail the key features of both procedures as well as explain the main differences between the two. Breast Augmentation Breast augmentation is typically the recommended procedure for those...

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3 Reasons to Consider Breast Augmentation in 2019

A breast augmentation improves breast shape, profile, and increases volume with the use of implants. Neaman Plastic Surgery specializes in breast augmentation procedures, working with each patient to customize results. Whether you’re looking for a subtle enhancement or want a significant change as we enter swimsuit season, choosing the right plastic surgeon for your breast...

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A Mommy Makeover for Mother’s Day

You’re absolutely head over heels for your baby (even if they’re far from a baby now), but maybe not as much for your post-baby body. Neaman Plastic Surgery offers customized “mommy makeovers,” which combine different surgeries with the ultimate goal of helping women get back their pre-baby bodies. It’s the perfect Mother’s Day treat, because...

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