
Breast Lift

Who Should Get a Breast Lift?

There are many benefits associated with getting a breast lift. It’s a procedure that can enhance the appearance of the patient’s breasts by making them perkier, larger and firmer. The ultimate goal is to achieve the patient’s desired appearance and restore youthfulness. It’s common for women that receive a breast lift to feel more confident...

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Breast Augmentation Versus Breast Lift

Many cosmetic procedures are used to enhance the breast tissue. Two of the most common procedures include a Breast Augmentation and a Breast Lift. Here we will detail the key features of both procedures as well as explain the main differences between the two. Breast Augmentation Breast augmentation is typically the recommended procedure for those...

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Perk Up Your Breasts After Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be anything but kind to youthful, perky breasts. A once full and firm bustline can suddenly appear soft and deflated following multiple childbirths. Luckily, there are several options for women who find themselves in this situation. Breast surgery from Neaman Plastic Surgery can successfully restore breasts post-pregnancy to improve your appearance and help...

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Who’s a Good Candidate for a Breast Lift?

A breast lift is a simple procedure for skilled surgeons like Dr. Keith Neaman to perform. If you’re looking for the best plastic surgeon in Oregon to perform a breast lift, it’s important to choose a surgeon who specializes in these procedures. Breast lifts are less invasive than a breast augmentation because implants are not...

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Top Reasons To Have a Breast Lift

Just as age, gravity, and other factors affect your body and face, they also affect your breasts. It’s common as women get older for their breast skin to become slightly saggy. This causes the breasts to droop and sit lower on the chest as well as creating a deflated appearance. Dr. Keith Neaman, Salem Oregon...

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Lift Your Confidence With A Breast Lift

Are your breasts causing you to be self-conscious and feel down about your appearance? Have they lost their firmness and started to sag? If so, a breast lift from Neaman Plastic Surgery may be the solution you need to restore your breasts to their youthful, perky bustline. A breast lift can do wonders not just...

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Know Who’s Knife You’re Going Under With Before-And-After Pictures

When you’re sick, you don’t just go to any doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Not all doctors are the same, nor have the same specialty. Well, the same goes for plastic surgeons. It’s essential that you select a skilled and qualified surgeon, such as Salem plastic surgeons Dr. Keith Neaman and Dr. Dustin Christiansen, to...

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Why Reviewing Before-and-After Photos is Important When Selecting a Surgeon

The goal of plastic surgery, no matter what procedure you’re looking to undergo, is to obtain a contoured result that you desire. You’re trying to enhance your appearance for a more pleasing look. Before deciding on a plastic surgeon, you’ll probably have a few consultations where you will be able to ask the surgeon about...

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Can I Get A Breast Lift Without Implants?

There are several reasons why a woman’s breasts may begin to sag. Age, gravity, pregnancy, and lack of support – just to name a few. This change in the breasts may also cause them to appear smaller than they did years ago. A breast lift from Neaman Plastic Surgery can help restore their pertness giving...

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Breast Lift vs. Breast Reduction

When most people think of breast enhancement, they typically think of women receiving breast implants to boost their bustline. And while most women who visit Neaman Plastic Surgery inquiring about breast enhancement are in fact considering breast augmentation to add volume, there are still many women who desire to either reposition their breasts by lifting...

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