
Breast Surgery

Breast Cancer and Implant Questions

Does a breast implant obscure early breast cancer detection through mammograms? Breast implants may obscure mammogram images and full breast visualization, decreasing the ability of mammograms to reveal breast cancer, yet studies show that mammograms are an effective way to screen for breast cancer in women with breast implants. One of the most important things...

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Breast Lift vs. Breast Augmentation

Oftentimes women who were pregnant or who have lost a significant amount of weight may desire a breast augmentation. However, a breast augmentation may not necessarily be the best option for them. While a breast implant can restore volume to the décolleté portion of your breast (the upper and inner portion of your breast) in...

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When do breasts stop developing?

At what age do your breasts stop developing? On average, breast development stops between 18-22 years of age, which often coincides with the completion of puberty. However, it is different for each person. With that being said, breast size, shape, and firmness will change throughout your life due to pregnancy, lactation, weight gain, weight loss,...

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Teen Breast Reduction

I am experiencing back pain, shoulder pain and my breasts already sag about 3 inches. I am only 14 years old. What are the benefits and risks of being a young patient receiving a breast reduction? What you are talking about is Juvenile Breast Hypertrophy. Many younger people are receiving breast reductions at young ages...

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One breast larger than the other – Asymmetric breasts!

I have one breast that is larger than the other. Can I possibly get only one implant to increase the volume on one side? Breast Asymmetry is a common feature among many women. However, simply placing an implant in the smaller breast will not fully compensate for the uneven breast. This is because the larger...

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If getting a breast augmentation has been on your mind lately, one of the questions you may be asking yourself is “When can I get back to working out after undergoing a breast augmentation?” While there isn’t one definitive answer that is right for everyone, this will give you a general idea. After getting a...

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Between 5-7 days after a breast augmentation surgery is when the swelling will probably be at its’ maximum. You can expect to see the swelling go down over the first 5-8 weeks. It is best to wait until 3 months post-surgery to judge your breast augmentation size. Schedule a Consultation with Neaman Plastic Surgery Dr....

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If I do chest exercises and build up underlying muscle, will it lift and shrink my breasts without surgery? This is a common question, unfortunately though, building the pectoral muscle does nothing for the overlying breast tissue as there is no muscle in the breast. It may, however, help you lose weight, which may help...

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