

Face-lift, Fillers or Botox? How Do I Choose?

Aging is a natural process that brings wisdom and fulfillment. However, the process has tangible effects that you often do not desire. Signs of aging are evident on your face as you grow older, even though you try to hide them. Most people are afraid of wrinkles and sagging skin. If they start to appear,...

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How to Care for Your Skin After Having a Facelift

You have taken the plunge and decided to rejuvenate your appearance by getting a facelift. You are happy with the results because your skin looks tighter, and the wrinkles are no longer visible. However, you aren’t in the clear yet. After the plastic surgery, follow these skincare practices to expedite the healing process and to...

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Four Reasons To Undergo a Facelift

Age is indeed just a number. If you’re still feeling young but the calendar says otherwise, you can still look the part because there are options to erase the years of your face. Thanks to technological advancements, supple skin without wrinkles is within easy reach. Consider these four reasons to undergo a facelift as it...

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Guess what? Women Prefer A Younger Face To A Youthful Body

A small group study done by the makers of Botox, a popular anti aging injectable, found that women would rather have a youthful face over a youthful body. Most women know what it takes to get the youthful body…hard work-good diet and lots of exercise. While, at the same time, there are minimally invasive cosmetic...

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We Have Hundreds Of New Before And After Photos

We are proud to announce that we at Neaman Plastic Surgery have hundred of new before and after photos of actual patients for you to now view on our website. Whether you are interested in breast surgery, facial surgery, body contouring procedures or non-surgical services offered at Neaman MediSpa, we have photos for you to...

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Combating The Aging Process…Oh, yes…It Can Be Done!

There are a few telltale signs of aging, but nothing a little Botox and dermal fillers can’t help with right? The signs of aging come on gradually and reveal themselves over time, but suddenly, they all seem to converge. That’s the bad news. But, thankfully there are ways to help improve them to some extent....

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Does Plastic Surgery Boost Self-Esteem?

What will changing my physical appearance really do for my self-esteem? If you are considering plastic surgery, chances are you are asking yourself this question…and you are not alone. Psychologists have been conducting research in recent years to answer this question. Plastic Surgery and Self Esteem Studies have indicated that as a person’s self-perception of...

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Avoid Plastic Surgery You Don’t Need Or Want

A recent story in USA Today has pointed out a disturbing trend regarding cosmetic surgery and cosmetic procedures. Physicians are trying to “sell” these to their patients whether or not the patient is interested in them. Many times this can be an unwanted, hard sell. Why would they do such a thing? For money, why...

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Why Getting Cheap Plastic Surgery is Like Buying A Discount Parachute

There was a lengthy article in USA recently called “Cosmetic surgery gets cheaper, faster scarier,” which is well worth reading. It is an in-depth investigation of cheap, quick-fix plastic surgeries that are being done by non-plastic surgeons across the country. We will not give you a blow-by-blow of all these horror stories, but there are four very...

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5 Reasons You Should NOT Have Plastic Surgery

Our practice consults with a lot of potential patients considering having plastic surgery. The vast majority of the people we see are here for all the right reasons. However, part of our job is not just hearing what procedure they are interested in but also WHY they want a procedure to have permanent physical changes....

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