
Hand Surgery

Can Plastic Surgery Give Me Relief From The Arthritis In My Hands?

Arthritis can be an excruciatingly painful condition. It commonly affects the joints in one’s hands, but can actually impact multiple parts of the body. Because the tissues surrounding the joint are inflamed, this condition greatly impacts the quality of one’s life. Read this article to learn more about how plastic surgery can give you relief...

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Dog Bites: Uniting Mailmen, Plastic Surgeons, and Veterinarians. Really.

Dr. Neaman is a Board Certified plastic surgeon with additional education through the Mayo Clinic Microsurgery Training Program. Having treated a number of dog bite patients, Dr. Neaman knows all too well how devastating these injuries can be. That’s why the United States Postal Service (USPS) is teaming up with several groups of pediatricians and...

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Dealing with Arthritis

The hand and wrist have many small joints that work together to produce motion. As we age, the protective surface of our bones, called cartilage, begins to wear out. As it wears out, this causes bone to glide on bone during motion and creates pain, stiffness and many other discomforts. Arthritis may occur in various...

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What’s the Skinny on Tendonitis? The tendon is a thick cord that attaches the muscle to a bone. When this cord becomes irritated or inflamed it is called tendonitis. Tendonitis can be very painful and can make it very difficult to do common tasks like typing on a computer, knitting, or gardening. Tendonitis can affect...

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