

Get Your New Year Figure With The Help Of Liposuction

There is no better way to start a new year than starting it off with a bang and a new physique. It’s time to start fresh and go into 2019 with the body you’ve been wanting. Did you overindulge just a bit at Thanksgiving? It’s okay; we’re usually all guilty of that. Liposuction performed by...

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Battle of the (Bra) Bulge

While we’re not talking about the major German battle in Belgium during the end of World War II, sometimes trying to get rid of back fat, what’s commonly known as the bra bulge for women, can seem like a battle in its own right. Unfortunately, most women can’t go without wearing a bra, and even...

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Get The Results You Want With Before & After Photos

Plastic surgery can be a life-changing decision. Perhaps there’s a part of your body that’s always caused you distress or embarrassment. With a procedure customized to fit your needs, you can love your whole self – even that one particular part. Neaman Plastic Surgery wants you to receive the best results possible and the results...

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Non-Surgical Treatments That Provide Real Results

With technology and science continually evolving and improving, more and more non-surgical treatments are becoming available that are proving to be great alternatives to their surgical counterparts. At Neaman MediSpa, voted #1 MediSpa of Mid-Valley, we offer non-invasive body contouring treatments that can help you shed the fat and tighten your skin – all without...

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Is Liposuction Permanent? Yes and No – Here’s Why

Liposuction is a popular, sought-after procedure at Neaman Plastic Surgery for eliminating unwanted excess fatty deposits on the body. It can help to tone and sculpt your figure by removing fat that’s proven to be resistant to diet and exercise. Many of our patients automatically assume that liposuction results are permanent. Although this is technically...

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3 Cosmetic Treatments that Pair Perfectly with Liposuction

One of the significant benefits of plastic surgery is that procedures are customized to fit your needs. At Neaman Plastic Surgery, Salem plastic surgeons Drs. Keith Neaman and Dustin Christiansen work with you to devise a custom-tailored treatment plan. Many times, pairing one procedure with another can prove to be not only cost-effective but also...

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Tummy Tuck and Liposuction: The Powerful Duo

The midsection is probably the part of the body that yields the most complaints from women. Loose skin and stubborn fatty deposits are nearly impossible to get rid of without the assistance of plastic surgery. If you’ve had multiple pregnancies or accomplished significant weight loss you know precisely what we’re talking about. No number of...

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3 Common Misconceptions about Liposuction

Liposuction is one of those procedures that everyone knows about. We’ve all heard about it, and we all know what it’s for. Or do we? Unfortunately, there’s a lot of misinformation out there about lipo that has some people believing the wrong thing. Liposuction performed by Salem plastic surgeon Dr. Keith Neaman or Dr. Dustin...

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Cosmetic Treatments and Men: A Growing Trend

Until recently, women made up the majority of patients seeking out surgical and skin care enhancement; however, men are starting to take interest and look into enhancing their own appearance with surgical and medispa treatments. At Neaman Plastic Surgery and MediSpa, we offer a variety of surgical and aesthetic skin care treatments for men, so...

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What Can I Do About My Muffin Top?

Have you done everything feasibly possible to rid your body of those unflattering bulges of fat that hang over your favorite pair of jeans? If so, you are not alone. Even women who lead the healthiest of lifestyles are often plagued with the dreaded “muffin top.” Diet and exercise can only do so much. But...

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