
Mommy Makeover

When You Should Consider a Mommy Makeover

Motherhood is an extraordinary journey and one of the most rewarding experiences of a woman’s life. However, childbirth and pregnancy can take a heavy toll on a woman’s body. Many women experience a wide range of changes in their body after pregnancy including stretch marks, abdominal bulging, sagging skin, and excess fat deposits. Many women...

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How Long Should I Wait After Childbirth to Get a “Mommy Makeover”?

Having children represents a new phase in life. As a mother, you will experience multiple changes as you care for your child. You will enjoy milestones like when your child starts to crawl, to walk, or speak. These are memories that you’ll remember forever. It is a rewarding part of parenthood. However, we all know...

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What Is a Mommy Makeover?

Every day we see celebrities getting back to shape shortly after giving birth. It has put pressure on new moms who now want to look trim after they have kids. That is why the demand for “Mommy Makeover” is on the rise.   What Is a Mommy Makeover? It is a popular combination of plastic...

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Why a Mommy Makeover Might Be Right for You

Becoming a mom is one of the most rewarding, not to mention life-changing things that can happen. As a woman, your body has the power to bring new life into the world and usually bounce back to your pre-baby shape. This article addresses the factors to consider in deciding if a mommy makeover procedure might...

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A Mommy Makeover for Mother’s Day

You’re absolutely head over heels for your baby (even if they’re far from a baby now), but maybe not as much for your post-baby body. Neaman Plastic Surgery offers customized “mommy makeovers,” which combine different surgeries with the ultimate goal of helping women get back their pre-baby bodies. It’s the perfect Mother’s Day treat, because...

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Tips To A Successful Mommy Makeover Recovery

Mommy makeovers are a fabulous and successful way to restore your pre-baby body by combining several cosmetic procedures, such as a tummy tuck and breast augmentation, into one surgery. However, the combination of procedures can make your mommy makeover recovery a bit overwhelming. Fortunately, with the skill and expertise of Salem plastic surgeons Dr. Keith...

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Thinking About Plastic Surgery? Tips For Comparing Before & After Photos

At Neaman Plastic Surgery we want you to feel comfortable in your decision to have plastic surgery. It’s a big decision and one that should never be taken lightly. That’s why Dr. Keith Neaman, Salem Oregon Plastic Surgeon, gives you access to so many before and after pictures in his online gallery and in-office. Using...

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Know Who’s Knife You’re Going Under With Before-And-After Pictures

When you’re sick, you don’t just go to any doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Not all doctors are the same, nor have the same specialty. Well, the same goes for plastic surgeons. It’s essential that you select a skilled and qualified surgeon, such as Salem plastic surgeons Dr. Keith Neaman and Dr. Dustin Christiansen, to...

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Get The Results You Want With Before & After Photos

Plastic surgery can be a life-changing decision. Perhaps there’s a part of your body that’s always caused you distress or embarrassment. With a procedure customized to fit your needs, you can love your whole self – even that one particular part. Neaman Plastic Surgery wants you to receive the best results possible and the results...

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Explaining Your Mommy Makeover to Your Kids

You have finally made the decision to have a mommy makeover, and now you need to talk to your children about your upcoming procedure. This alone can be one of the most challenging tasks when electing to have a mommy makeover. You want to be honest with your children, but you don’t want to scare...

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