
Tummy Tuck

What You Can Expect From Tummy Tuck Surgery

The size of your tummy tuck scar and the location of the scar is heavily dependent on what kind of abdominoplasty you go for. Traditional tummy tuck scars will be located across your hips and hidden under your bikini line. If you go for a mini tummy tuck, the scar should only end up being...

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What to Do When Toning Doesn’t Pay Off

Many people want the look of a sculpted body. If you have been following your doctor’s or nutritionist’s advice on cutting back on processed carbs, eliminating sugar from your diet and adding daily exercise and muscle toning, you might wonder what else you could possibly do if your body isn’t providing you with the results...

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Why a Tummy Tuck Can Help You Look and Feel Better

You revised your eating habits, stopped eating empty calories from soda and candy and added exercise to your daily routines. If you look in the mirror and still see a dreaded “muffin top” or “apron belly,” you might feel frustrated. When you continue to do everything possible to sculpt your body, a tummy tuck might...

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How Soon Can I Go Back To Work After A Tummy Tuck?

You have just had a tummy tuck and want to know how soon you will be able to return to work. The time it takes to recover can vary from person to person. A quick answer to the question would be anywhere from two to six weeks. Once the surgery is completed, you should be...

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Understanding Liposuction vs. Tummy Tucks

There are various cosmetic surgeries that people undergo to achieve a flatter abdomen. Two of the most common procedures being tummy tucks and liposuction. It’s important to understand the differences between these two procedures. These words are often thrown around, and although they are both used to shape the abdomen, they are very different. What...

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Differences Between Body Lifts & Tummy Tucks

After a dramatic weight loss or simply because of the natural aging process, it’s not uncommon to have excess skin that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise. Because skin loses elasticity over time, even after losing weight, there may be areas where the skin doesn’t retract back to its anatomical position. There are several types...

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3 Situations Where a Tummy Tuck Will Help

Tummy tucks are popular aspects of a mommy makeover, but can also be performed as a standalone surgery for both women and men. Neaman Plastic Surgery specializes in abdominoplasty (the tummy tuck) and approaches this life-changing procedure as if creating a work of art. Liposuction is often performed in tandem with a tummy tuck to...

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A Mommy Makeover for Mother’s Day

You’re absolutely head over heels for your baby (even if they’re far from a baby now), but maybe not as much for your post-baby body. Neaman Plastic Surgery offers customized “mommy makeovers,” which combine different surgeries with the ultimate goal of helping women get back their pre-baby bodies. It’s the perfect Mother’s Day treat, because...

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Signs A Tummy Tuck May Be Right For You

Have you considered undergoing a tummy tuck but aren’t quite sure if it’s the procedure for you? If so, you’re not alone. Abdominoplasty performed by Salem plastic surgeons Dr. Keith Neaman, and Dr. Dustin Christiansen is a popular surgical option amongst women of all ages. It removes excess skin and fat around the midsection to...

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Tips To A Successful Mommy Makeover Recovery

Mommy makeovers are a fabulous and successful way to restore your pre-baby body by combining several cosmetic procedures, such as a tummy tuck and breast augmentation, into one surgery. However, the combination of procedures can make your mommy makeover recovery a bit overwhelming. Fortunately, with the skill and expertise of Salem plastic surgeons Dr. Keith...

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