
Tummy Tuck

Can A Tummy Tuck Eliminate Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks can be a source of embarrassment and self-consciousness. Whether they are from weight fluctuations, pregnancy or other lifestyle factors, stretch marks can be difficult to get rid of in that they affect not only the top layer of skin but also the deeper layers. Hence why lotions only do so much to disguise...

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Tummy Tucks: Not Just for Women

When you think of tummy tucks, you might automatically include them with mommy makeovers. They’re an essential part of a mommy makeover, but a reputable plastic surgeon in Oregon like Neaman Plastic Surgery also performs many tummy tucks on men. Also known as abdominoplasty, these surgeries are usually performed with liposuction and ab tightening to...

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Are You Too Old For A Tummy Tuck?

Age is just a number, right? Well, it really depends on what your age is in reference to. But when it comes to plastic surgery such as a tummy tuck at Neaman Plastic Surgery, your age may not play as big of a role as you may think. A tummy tuck is technically considered major...

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Thinking About Plastic Surgery? Tips For Comparing Before & After Photos

At Neaman Plastic Surgery we want you to feel comfortable in your decision to have plastic surgery. It’s a big decision and one that should never be taken lightly. That’s why Dr. Keith Neaman, Salem Oregon Plastic Surgeon, gives you access to so many before and after pictures in his online gallery and in-office. Using...

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Tips on How to Minimize Scarring After Your Tummy Tuck

When it comes to plastic surgery including a tummy tuck, scarring must be taken into consideration. It’s inevitable; however, when performed by a skilled plastic surgeon, such as Salem plastic surgeons Dr. Keith Neaman and Dr. Dustin Christiansen, visible scarring can be reduced significantly. Most incisions can be placed so they will be hidden by...

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Know Who’s Knife You’re Going Under With Before-And-After Pictures

When you’re sick, you don’t just go to any doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Not all doctors are the same, nor have the same specialty. Well, the same goes for plastic surgeons. It’s essential that you select a skilled and qualified surgeon, such as Salem plastic surgeons Dr. Keith Neaman and Dr. Dustin Christiansen, to...

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Why Reviewing Before-and-After Photos is Important When Selecting a Surgeon

The goal of plastic surgery, no matter what procedure you’re looking to undergo, is to obtain a contoured result that you desire. You’re trying to enhance your appearance for a more pleasing look. Before deciding on a plastic surgeon, you’ll probably have a few consultations where you will be able to ask the surgeon about...

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What Happens to My Belly Button During a Tummy Tuck?

For many patients, a tummy tuck is the last step in obtaining the body and figure they’ve worked so hard to achieve. They’ve lost the weight, and now they’re ready to remove the excess skin to show off their newly contoured shape. When electing to have a tummy tuck at Neaman Plastic Surgery, it’s important to...

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Get The Results You Want With Before & After Photos

Plastic surgery can be a life-changing decision. Perhaps there’s a part of your body that’s always caused you distress or embarrassment. With a procedure customized to fit your needs, you can love your whole self – even that one particular part. Neaman Plastic Surgery wants you to receive the best results possible and the results...

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Should I Get Muscle Repair During My Tummy Tuck?

The goal of a tummy tuck is to achieve a tight and toned abdominal region by removing excess skin and fat. Many tummy tuck patients at Neaman Plastic Surgery are women who have recently given birth or who have lost an extreme amount of weight. Both involve the abdomen expanding which ultimately stretches and possibly...

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