
Free Radicals And Acne: The Link

Free Radicals And Acne: The Link

02 Mar 2017 Free Radicals And Acne: The Link

Free radicals and Acne – After years and years of not understanding acne, there may now be a link. Free radicals are molecules that are released by UV light, or sunshine and the air pollution that these particles come into contact with cause the problem. These molecules destroy the collagen, damage DNA, and cause dark spots and acne. What happens is the free radicals cause inflammation, causing blockage of the pores and subsequently an acne breakout.

For many years acne and the scars that result from acne has been treated the same way. Pimples and breakouts were blamed on dirty skin, bacteria, and sebum. The way to combat free radicals is with antioxidants. Clearly, free radicals are not the only cause of acne breakouts, but they make things much worse.

At Neaman MediSpa we are here to help. There are many wonderful and effective products available to patients experiencing the effects of acne and its subsequent acne scarring. Vitamin C and the essential antioxidants are contained in many of our innovative products.

Contact our caring professionals at Dr. Neaman’s office (844) 338-5445 and get started on a skin regimen that will bring you the clearer more vibrant skin that you desire.