
Infini Skin Tightening – The Ultimate Non-Surgical Solution

Infini Skin Tightening – The Ultimate Non-Surgical Solution

30 Jan 2018 Infini Skin Tightening – The Ultimate Non-Surgical Solution

Infini is not only beneficial for wrinkles but also helps many other skin conditions. In fact, based on Infini’s use on thousands of patients throughout numerous countries, Infini’s RF technology is ideal for improving wrinkles, skin tightening, and scar removal. Additionally, skin laxity and wrinkles are commonly treated with Infini to achieve tissue tightening, collagen formation, volumizing of tissues, as well as the improvement of skin texture. Traumatic scars and acne scars respond well to a series of Infini radiofrequency treatments.

Treatment Areas Made For Infini

Many areas of the skin are agreeable to treatment with Infini Microneedling. The face is the most common area and ideal correct wrinkles, scars, and skin texture. However, neck aging and crepy neck skin also responds well to Infini treatments. Vertical wrinkles of the décolletage area are also battled with Infini.

Side effects following Infini are mild in nature, making this a minimal downtime treatment. For those individuals with very vascular skin, there may be mild pinpoint bleeding and a very small chance of bruising. Most commonly, the skin is mildly red for approximately 24 hours. The skin may feel slightly rough like sandpaper for 2-3 days. Many patients can resume their normal routine within a day.

If you are interested in finding out more regarding Infini, Neaman MediSpa can provide you with a complimentary consultation – to not only find out more regarding the procedure itself, but to determine if Infini is, in fact, your treatment of choice. Call Neaman MediSpa, serving the Salem area today at (844) 338-5445 to arrange for your appointment.