
Should I Get Muscle Repair During My Tummy Tuck?

Should I Get Muscle Repair During My Tummy Tuck?

09 Oct 2018 Should I Get Muscle Repair During My Tummy Tuck?

The goal of a tummy tuck is to achieve a tight and toned abdominal region by removing excess skin and fat. Many tummy tuck patients at Neaman Plastic Surgery are women who have recently given birth or who have lost an extreme amount of weight. Both involve the abdomen expanding which ultimately stretches and possibly damages the abdominal skin and muscles. During most tummy tuck surgeries, the abdominal muscles are sutured and repaired. However, in some instances, a muscle repair may not be necessary.

Abdominal Muscle Separation Explained

Within our abdominal wall, we have two parallel bands of muscles. The muscles are connected by a thin sheet of tissue called the fascia. When the abdomen expands during pregnancy or weight gain, the muscles, as well as the fascia, are stretched apart. Muscles have elasticity and are usually able to retract back to their former position; however, the fascia is made up of material that is similar to ligaments, which doesn’t have the same elastic ability.

So, following pregnancy and weight loss, the stomach goes down in size, but the stretched fascia remains. This creates a gap between the muscles which then results in laxity of the abdominal wall, often creating a protruding belly. No amount of diet or exercise can reverse the damage and tighten the abdomen. Surgery is usually the only means. During a tummy tuck, the fascia is pulled tight and sutured back into place. Although muscle separation is common during these two instances, it isn’t always a definite.

Who Doesn’t Need Muscle Repair?

The best way to know if you need muscle repair with your tummy tuck is to discuss your specific situation with Salem plastic surgeons Dr. Keith Neaman or Dr. Dustin Christiansen. Women who have excess skin below the belly button and only require a mini tummy tuck rarely require the muscles being tightened because they strictly have loose skin and a little extra fat. Sometimes, simply adding liposuction is enough to provide them with the flat midsection they are looking to achieve. Women who have undergone a caesarian aren’t typically in need of muscle repair either because during their C-section the fascia was repaired prior to the tummy being sewn shut.

Tighten and Tone Your Abdomen At Neaman Plastic Surgery

Get the contoured and sculpted tummy you’ve worked so hard to achieve. A tummy tuck from Neaman Plastic Surgery can shape and tighten your midsection. Schedule your consultation today by calling 844-338-5445. During your consultation, Dr. Neaman or Dr. Christiansen will discuss all of your options including whether you could benefit from muscle repair. Don’t wait, get the sexy belly you deserve!