
How to Remove That Regrettable Tattoo

How to Remove That Regrettable Tattoo

11 Jul 2017 How to Remove That Regrettable Tattoo

There are many reasons why patients seek tattoo removal through Neaman medispa. Sometimes they immediately regret a tattoo decision due to breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend they lovingly, at the time, memorialized on their skin. Other times they are job hunting and realizing their tattoos might be holding them back from getting the job they want. Tattoos can also become blurry and messy over time changing that fresh flower into a wilting weed.

Fortunately, laser tattoo removal treatment is available to help you turn back the hands of time and reverse your decision to get a tattoo. However, the process can be cumbersome and complicated, so it is important to learn all of the details before making the decision to get a tattoo removed.

What Makes Tattoo Removal Complicated?

The biggest factors to consider are the colors of your tattoo, the location of the tattoo, and the size and design. Some colors are easier to remove than others, and your own skin tone plays a role as well. Amateur tattoos are easier to remove than professional tattoos. Black ink is one of the easier colors to remove, while yellow, white, orange, purple, and green inks may require more treatments.

How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?

Lasers create beams of different colored lights which target the various colors of tattoos. An experienced operator is skilled in knowing which colored lasers work best on different tattoo inks to break up the color particles and allow them to fade and be absorbed into your body.

Free Tattoo Removal Consultation at Neaman Plastic Surgery and Medispa in Salem, OR

Understanding the benefits to all of our Medispa treatments, including tattoo removal, is critical to making the best choices for your care. It is wise to consult with your plastic surgeon so that he can both examine you and talk about your skin tattoo fading goals and expectations. Dr. Keith Neaman’s experience and expertise can lead you to where you want to be. Call Neaman Plastic Surgery at (844) 338-5445 to schedule your private consultation.