
Is A Tummy Tuck For Me? Factors to Consider

Is A Tummy Tuck For Me? Factors to Consider

21 Dec 2017 Is A Tummy Tuck For Me? Factors to Consider

Perhaps years of weight fluctuations or one or more pregnancies have left you with a pooch that you can’t get rid of and a tummy tuck is sounding pretty good right about now. Maybe what feels like thousands of crunches and numerous crash diets are ultimately not giving you the results you are striving to achieve. Again, the idea of having a tummy tuck seems like the ultimate solution. This is so because stretched skin loses elasticity and may not shrink back to its original form once the fat is reduced. Women who have been pregnant also have stretched abdominal muscles that cannot be repaired without surgery.

Consider these points if you are contemplating a tummy tuck:

• Loose abdominal muscles – If your abdominal muscles seem resistant to exercise and they are no longer providing the support you need; a tummy tuck surgery can solve this issue. A board certified plastic surgeon can separate the layers of skin and the fat from the muscle and then pull the muscles together at the midline, creating tighter muscles and a flatter stomach.

• Elasticity – Should your skin have little to no elasticity left, you will likely need a tummy tuck to improve its appearance. Once the skin has become lax and “stretched out,” even removing any fat behind it will not fix the situation. Skin laxity is not only caused by the stretching that occurs during pregnancy, it also can occur in people who have lost a significant amount of weight. Tummy tucks are not just for mommies, but for anyone who has excess skin and fat—and that includes men.

• Stretch marks – Unfortunately, there is no perfect solution for stretch marks. We can fade the color of new stretch marks significantly—and sometimes improve the texture of old ones with various treatments, but there is currently no treatment that can permanently erase them. However, if you have excess skin removed during a tummy tuck, most stretch marks will be removed as well.

• Poor Body Image – One of the best reasons to have a tummy tuck may simply be that you do not feel confident about yourself and body. Decreased self-confidence can negatively impact your personal life, your sex life, and how you interact with others. It’s important to look and feel your best, and it may be hard to do that if you are feeling self-conscious and less than secure about your appearance.

To learn more about a potential tummy tuck and to see if you are a candidate for this surgery, contact Neaman Plastic Surgery for your consultation. Dr. Keith Neaman is a board certified plastic surgeon with years of experience and a loyal family of patients. Call (844) 338-5445 for your private consultation.