
Tell Me More About Tummy Tucks

Tell Me More About Tummy Tucks

28 Mar 2017 Tell Me More About Tummy Tucks

You may be a candidate for a tummy tuck or a mommy makeover if, over time, you have developed unattractive belly fat that just won’t go away. This could be as a result of either pregnancy or weight gain.

Alternately known as an abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck will remove excess skin and fat from your abdominal areas and tighten up loose muscles. If you think that a tummy tuck may be right for you, here are some frequently asked questions that may help you reach your decision.

Is It Necessary For Me To Be At My Correct Weight Before A Tummy Tuck?

The good news is that a particular weight is not necessary to have a tummy tuck or mommy makeover procedure. What is needed is that you are: physically healthy and at a stable weight; do not smoke, and have realistic body expectations. Like any cosmetic surgery, a tummy tuck should be done for you and you alone.

What About Stretch Marks?

A tummy tuck will not correct your stretch marks, but if they are located in the areas where excess skin is removed, they will either be eliminated or significantly improved.

Will There Be Scarring After A Tummy Tuck?

Anywhere an incision will result in scarring, but the incision takes 12-18 months to mature. The incision usually is well hidden at your bikini line. If you’ve had a cesarean section in the past, often it is incorporated into the new scars from your tummy tuck.

If I Gain Or Lose Weight After The Tummy Tuck What Happens?

Having a tummy tuck does not mean you will never gain weight again. If you do not maintain a healthy lifestyle, the excess weight can potentially creep back onto your frame. The weight gain will be distributed differently, but having a tummy tuck is in no way a weight loss procedure.

Should I Wait Until After I Have Children To Have A Tummy Tuck?

Obviously, this would be by far the best choice. Waiting until your family is complete makes the most sense both physically and financially.  And your baseline body weight should be back to normal.

Tummy Tuck Consultation at Neaman Plastic Surgery

If you are considering a tummy tuck or mommy makeover, Dr. Neaman will gladly answer any and all questions you may have. Dr. Neaman and his staff realize this is a big decision for anyone and want you to feel comfortable and excited about your procedure. Call our offices today at (844) 338-5445 for your surgical consultation.