
What Makes a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

What Makes a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

08 Dec 2020 What Makes a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes excess fat from between your muscles and skin. The procedure can be carried out on the inner and outer thighs, arms, buttocks, and neck. The pockets of fat liposuction targets are generally those that cannot be effectively targeted by dieting or exercising. Although the procedure is beneficial, it is not a substitute for healthy living. After the procedure, don’t abandon healthy diets and physical activity.

About Liposuction

When undergoing the procedure, a tumescent solution will be injected into the fat you want to remove. The surgeon will then make incisions where he or she will insert a cannula. The cannula is used to break down the fat, and the deposits are removed using the attached suction.

After the procedure, you will experience swelling and pain for three days. You will be given pain medication that will suppress the pain and the swelling. After a week, you can return to work, but it is dependent on the areas treated.

When to Consider Liposuction

If you’ve adopted a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle and still can’t achieve the desired results in stubborn areas, you might want to consider liposuction. You might not be able to transform some areas no matter how much time you devote to them. Liposuction can help you get rid of those stubborn areas so you can achieve the desired shape.

Are You a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

Although liposuction is done to get rid of the stubborn pockets of fat, it is not the ideal solution for everyone. If you are considering the procedure, first consult with your doctor for recommendations. Here is a guide on whether you are a good liposuction candidate.

You Want to Reduce Fat in Areas That Are Diet Resistant

Regardless of how much exercising and dieting you do, the fat deposits won’t budge. Fortunately, if this is the case, you can consider liposuction. The procedure will effectively target and minimize these fat deposits.

Your Weight Is Stable

When your weight is already stable, the surgeon can help you identify the areas where liposuction will be most effective. This makes you a better candidate for the procedure.

Understanding That Liposuction Is Not a Solution to Weight Loss

Liposuction is designed to reshape your body and give you a sleeker appearance. Thus, before the surgery, you should lose all the excess weight you plan on losing. Additionally, gaining or losing too much weight after the procedure might alter the results.

Your Expectations Are Realistic

Although the procedure is designed to get rid of excess fat in your body, you should understand that the results will not always turn out perfect and are dependent on numerous factors, such as your body structure, how much weight you lost, and so on.

You Are in Good Health

Healthy patients rarely experience complications during and after the procedure. They are best for the perfect outcome.

Your Skin Elasticity Is Good

Patients with good skin elasticity benefit from satisfying results after the procedure. Elastic skin conforms properly to the new contours after the fat has been removed. Patients with lax skin often end up with loose skin.

If you want to improve your physique and body sculpt, liposuction is an advisable option.


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