

Cosmetic Surgery for Millennials

More than likely, the rise of the popular “Selfie” has prompted many young men and women to look into various cosmetic procedures. Throughout the country, plastic surgeons are reporting an increase in patients under the age of 30. It seems that social media is playing a role in how one looks at oneself and the...

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Beautiful Skin With 5 Remedies Found At Home

Sometimes the amount of products and thousands of skin and beauty care promises can be overwhelming. They all seem to promise the same thing, the picture perfect, clear complexion that leaves your skin glowing. But there are 5 simple remedies that are probably already living in your home without a trip to a really great...

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How Young Is Too Young For Botox?

As with most cosmetic interventions, starting to use BOTOX™ in your twenties is a controversial decision. However, twenty-somethings are finding themselves on their way to see their dermatologists or plastic surgeons for a “pre-juvenation”. It is clear that frown lines, forehead furrows and crow’s’ feet are due to repetitive folding of skin from normal expressions. It fo...

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Most Commonly Requested Plastic Surgery For Men

Plastic surgery has continued to evolve in its perception ever since its creation after the first World War. It was once viewed very negatively and as something to hide because it was perceived as being very self-indulgent. Women were the first to jump on the plastic surgery bandwagon, recognizing it as a positive approach to...

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Summer Face Mask Recipe!

Many plants and herbs have tremendous healing powers and taking herbs internally has long been highly regarded by many as a remedy to cure everything from muscle aches to insomnia. Now this knowledge of “plant power” is focusing on topical application to beautify and nourish the skin and add to your skincare routine. Researchers from...

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Non-Surgical Options for Under Eye Puffiness

A common question women have for our Medical Day Spa is what can be done non-surgically to improve the look of under eye bags and discoloration. The answer to these questions depend on the cause of the bags and/or discoloration. Many times allergies are the culprit when dark circles are the issue. Treating allergies, cold...

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How Much Does Botox Cost?

BOTOX™ is a very safe drug and many people enjoy the benefits of it for decreasing the appearance of frown lines, laugh lines, and other facial wrinkles. A basic understanding of how Botox works can help you cut through the confusion about what goes into the decision about “how much,” and make the experience much...

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BOTOX: How Exactly it Works and Surprising Alternate Uses

BOTOX™ is a drug made from a neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum called botulinum toxin. It is often used to treat certain muscular conditions and cosmetically remove wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing muscles. You might be most familiar with the brand Botox, but there are several other brands that also use botulinum toxin to...

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Beautiful Mother Essay Contest 2016

Contest Update 5/17/16 Congrats Tiffany Robbins – Your essay is the winner! Someone will be in contact, please feel free to contact our office as well. And congrats to all the moms and writers for being so dang special. – #NeamTeam — Contest Update 5/10/16 Thank you again for all the submissions we’ve received for...

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BOTOX – For Wrinkles, Crow’s Feet, Scars, and Sun Damage

Help get rid of crow’s feet, scars, wrinkles and sun damage Wrinkles – who wants them? Over time, all that laughing, smiling, and frowning shows up on your face in the form of wrinkles. Not to mention the effects of sun damage over time. You can relax those wrinkles with a temporary treatment of an...

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